Friday, March 30, 2012

Low Tide and High Times

         Yesterday I went to the beach with the boys from Masana. There were 50 of us in three cars, 16 people in the car I was passenger to in a nice Mozambican version of a four-runner. We listened to Jay-Z and the car was full of shoulder-shrug dancing and Portuguese accented singing, which is all that could be accomplished in the clown car that was our transportation. (Side note: There is a law in Mozambique that you cannot put any body parts out the window. Hands, fingers, butts, etc. However, there is no law against the amount of people in a car, but possibly a seat belt law?) Anyways, the beach was beautiful. It was one of those rare days where I wish I had brought a camera to capture the moment (sorry, mom). It looked a bit like this except with a bit more glass and water patches about:

                                          Thank you, Google images.

            The sandy beach stretched enough to give us plenty of room to play soccer, Frisbee and sand wars and enough space to outrun Saul and his miniature sand crab (He thought it was hilarious until I had one too). There was a lovely breeze and a minimal amount of sunburn on my part, the boys went even so far as saying, "Wow, beautiful." when I put my sunscreen on. Real charmers. 

            It was the nicest kind of Mozambican day and I don't think I will ever be able to get the sand out of my hair. 

1 comment:

  1. Like! When you get home you will have to draw all the pictures that will be going in to the book I will make you! ;)
